God : Are you sure you want this?
Me : Yes God..I think So.. I really like this, I love this, I can't live without this
God : well, actually I have the best for you..
Me : I am sure this is the best for me God..
God: If you really want this, I'll give it to you, but before that, I wanna ask you one more time
Me : yeah God??
God: I have the best for you, I just don't give it to you yet, but I will, it's not the time yet..
Me: If this is not the best for me, why do you make me dying and want to have it?
God: See? If you dying and want to have this, then what would happen for the better one? I just show you this one for you now so then you can compare it and feel happy when you get the one that I keep for you..
Me :....
God : But, as you know, I will give you choices, if you really want to have this and feel enough with this and refuse the best one that I'm keeping for you, that's ok, I'll give it to you..now
Me : Hold on please..
God : Why..., I will give what you want..
Me : I apologize God...I'm just human..what do I know?
God : You know what you want
Me : but I don't know what I need, I don't even know what is better for me, then how could I say that is the best thing?
God : So?? what do you want now?you must know what you want, rite?
Me : Yes..I know what I want..and I'm gonna ask it from you now
God: ok, say it
Me : I want what I need, and I want the best thing for me and only you who know that..so I give my life and all the things to you
God: I'll give it to you, all you need and all the best for you include the journey to have it, so you will feel how great what you have when you'll get it
Me : Thank you God
God : pleasure..