every one is so excited about this.., either in twitter or facebook, every body discuss about this stuff. also bet!! many of my friends put their money on bet... some for fun, others really for making money.
By the way, this world cup is different to me, I am not following it from my home country, but from sydney, what's the different? well, if I'm at home, I just need to turn on my TV and watch all the game, cause they play it on TV. but noit here!!! I don't have oxtel, so I can't watch every game. if I wanna watch a game, I have to go to Darling harbor, for Fifa fan fest. anyway, that's also fun :D
Yesterday night, I mean morning!! I went there witrh my german friends. it was around 3.30 in the morning... freezing!! it's winter now in sydney by the way!! so we headed of to darling harbor to whatch GERMANY vs AUSTRALIA
well, actually it's a dilema for me.
hahaha, obviously I knew, well assume that germany will win, so I defenitely will stand on germany side. But, I live in Australia, and it's like my second home now.. hahaha.. I still feel that i should support this country. so, what I did was so stupid.. I was in between..!! :D I had german flag on my cheek and wore Australian flag on my head :p
it was really fun.., I might do it again, watching I mean!! not being in between two team :p
but may be after my presentation.