actually this is not a tale..I just don't know a good title :p lol

hey..winter is coming, today was raining..and it's pouring... I need to hold my umbrella really tight.
well.. I love it when it's rain.. it's so beautiful and romantic (????? haha..I know...what you think...actually I'm not that kinda romantic mellow person, or.... may be I am :p
hmm...I just wanna write anything today, nothing that's so special, ow, it is actually.
several things actually :)
1. I purchased my Jack Johnson concert ticket...haha.. I keep mumbling about this everywhere; facebook, twitter, my blog... well...I can't help myself..he's my favorite singer man...;)

and another thing that I am really proud that I did today is..
2. I eat fish!!! and it's raw fish... haha...shashimi... well, for those who don't know, I don't eat fish but tuna( and it's only it's white part, no skin)... I hate fish!!! I tried..but I couldn't stand the smell...ew..., but today!!! yay!!! finally....but it doesn't mean that I'm gonna like or eat fish...nope!! not yet!!

hmm...what else? I went to Japan embassy to get my visa, stop at Taiwan embassy as well, because for my Japan trip I need to transit in Taiwan..and I might have a chance to go out on the way back...I have 5 hours of transit..Yay!!! ;)
I guess that's it for today, I'm gonna continue with a reading...don't worry..not a uni or academic reading...I'm not that "student" even though I am a student :p
my novels have been abandon for quite a long time...and I miss reading :)
see you next time
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