12:10 AM

Just 10 minutes after yesterday.
Today I'm still asking and thinking what was going on yesterday? Ten minutes a go
I am sitting here, on the same place like yesterday
On the same place like ten minutes a go
I am not moving yet since yesterday.
I am still the same person,
But it's not only as same as yesterday
I am still the same person even from long time a go
Stay as the same person
But it's not the same with them
It was just like yesterday when they walked away
But it was not
It was not Ten minutes a go
It was long time a go since they leaved me alone
Just 10 minutes after yesterday.
Today I'm still asking and thinking what was going on yesterday? Ten minutes a go
I am sitting here, on the same place like yesterday
On the same place like ten minutes a go
I am not moving yet since yesterday.
It is Not about Ten minutes ago
It is not about Yesterday
It is not about my loneliness
It is about me stay the same
I'll be fine with you or without you
Just 10 minutes after yesterday.
Today I'm still asking and thinking what was going on yesterday? Ten minutes a go
I am sitting here, on the same place like yesterday
On the same place like ten minutes a go
I am not moving yet since yesterday.
But I'll be fine
I'll always be fine
Not only for today or ten years later
I'll be fine forever
With me and myself
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