"Japan..I'll come to you!!"
It was written in a green memo with a cute penguin picture on its corner. I wrote it long long time ago.. i think when I was in senior high school. the memo was sticked on my bulletin board on one of the corners of my room. I think it's still there now, dusty, unless my sister throw it away when they clean my room (since I am not living there anymore, i mean move from home).
Going to Japan is my dream since I was 12 years old. I love Japan so much!! I like to read mangga (Japanese comic) learn all the things about Japan, even the language. But, since I study in architecture, I have been very busy. I do not really intense to Japan things anymore. I even almost forget my Dream of going to Japan, but deep in my heart I always believe that I'll go there! someday! and it's TODAY!! :D
Well, I'll tell you about this trip. it's from my university, a collaboration between UTS and Tokyo University. one of my studio in UTS, global field studio. So.. here I am now. in Tokyo!! anyway, I have a funny story, or silly I think, about how am I ariving in Japan.
I flew from Sydney at night. and I found a miracle. well, may be the word "miracle" is too much. I saw an other plane from my window, two actually!! can you believe that?? I thought that kinda thing only exist on my childhood imagination where you can see other plane from your plane's window. But, it's real!! I did see other plane, well off course it was not close like I used to imagine when I was a kid, but I saw the light of the plane. I was amaze. also the sky was so beautiful, I saw stars and the moon :)
Anyway, back to my feeling flying to Japan, I'm a kinda person that seldom feel nervous. I do feel nervous, but never have a kinda butterfly on my stomach or feel like I'm having diarrhea. But this time is different. I flew from Sydney to Japan with China airlines. On the way from Sydney to Taipei, I was fine. but on the next flight from Taipe to Tokyo, I was started to get really nervous... I had to use the lavatory on the plane!! yeah.. I got diarrhea ( what an embarrassing) then I couldn't eat my meal.. I feel like I wanna puke..., then I started to cry.. my tears just feel down.. it was a happiness tears.. I started to be so emotional when I was thinking that my dream comes true. Then I started to smile all the time. I was really stupid and silly. The closer my distance to Japan, the more I feel nervous and cannot stop smiling.
Next, I arrived in Narita airport. I hold my promise, I call some friend's names( cause they told me to call their name when I arrive so may be one day they also can go there). with a loud voice.. I don't care that people look at me.. :p

Then I asked a girl to take a photo of me in front of "welcome to Japan" sign hahhaa.. hmm..what else.. I started to practice my Japanese, I said to an airport officer "watashiwa Nihon ga suki, I do love Japan" I know.. that I was so ridiculous and silly. but Hey!!! that's my childhood dream.. I really don't care what people think.
Then I go to a hostel that I booked from Sydney. New koyo Hotel in minami Senju. And wow!! I have to go there by myself with no Japanese ability!! using a lonely planet japanese pocket book that I bought from Sydney international airport, try to speak Japanese and asking information of the train. I should only change train once in Narita station, but I missed the train. Therefore, I had to go with other train, and changed for train several time. Wow!! that was crazy!! but I'm happy I made it to the hotel. Finally :D
Well, today is my 4th day in Japan. I have been walking around to many famous building by great Japanese architect such as Tadao Ando, Renzo Piano, Kurikawa, Aoki, and many more, as well as visit Bow wo's office. I went to Ropongi hills, Harajuku, Ginza, shinjuku, etc. and I also bought a yukata today :D yay!! it's expensive though... 5300 yen, or around 75 AUD, or more than Rp.600.000... T,T but well, I think I hv to buy it.. that's my dream.. and it's Japan!! :p
hmmm.. That's about it for today, I'll tell you more later on, or may be moe photos.
Wearing the Yukata, I tried to put it myself.. I made it.. offcourse not tidy, I don't even know if it's right or not.
High school girl with sailor uniform and that vending machine, usually I just see it from manga
at the Japanese garden, Nezu museum.
Having Japanese lunch
In Harajuku
"Yay!! I'm in Ginza"
At another Japanese garden, on that Gate that I usually see also on manga
Tea ceremony
The Tea ceremonyset
Don't you think it's look like I'm working with this guy with the same uniform? he's promoting their traditional japanese pedicap drag by human.