I've been wanting to tell me since a month ago, but I couldn't because I didn't get the Visa yet,
Yes Visa!! ;D guess where.. to the State!! yay!!
you know that I've been wanted to go to new york since forever. and know finally i got a chance.
SO, here's the thing :)
A few months a go I got an email from uni that said that they have a selection for an elective to LA
a trip to LA and a workshop at Frank Gehry Office!! OMG!! I know...Gehry!!!
so.... I just applied it, I knew that it's gonna be so competitive!!
but I applied it anyway, nothing's to lose I thought!!
so.. with my stupid pert folio, motivation letter and my transcript, I submitted my application:)
then... about three weeks later I got an email said that I got it!!
I got one of the place for 20 :)
So.. I bought a return ticket to LA, then I applied for my visa
I was so affraid cuz.."what if i don't get the visa??" then I'm gonna lost my $1300 for my nonrefundable ticket.
but today!! i got my passport back, and so did the visa!! Yay!!
so...I"m excited now!!
the plan is I'm gonna be in LA for 2 weeks, then go to San Francisco for a few days
then hit NYC!!! :D I'm gonna meet my best friend right there :)
it's been a while I haven't met her, since she moved to NY and I'm in Sydney.
but soon.. we're gonna have a reunion..inshaallah :)
well, wish me luck ;)
ps: I'm using the picture from google now, but I promise i will get my own pictures when I get there ;)
I wish i could join you sis..
ReplyDeleteNaik airlines apa dapet ticket semurah itu say???
me too sista.. wish you could join me and the real reunion will be there :)
ReplyDeletenaik V australia kak.. v belinya kecepatan sehari dari sale, temen v malah dapet $970 return.. asik bgt kan....
wish u a great time in NY kak :) ongkos doain : bawain oleh2 ya hahahay.. gaikhlasdotcom.