Waaaa..I just want to write, actually really wanna write it in bahasa Indonesia, but I must learn to write in English, for my writing practice, so..must be a lot of mistakes here
well, this is my situation rite now:
Enjoying my own show
I'm trying to move on..
I had a crush on a guy,
but it's kinda impossible to go with him
different country, different place, n no hell way we gonna meet again plus he has a girl friend
Hei!! I don't mean to be a third person or naughty girl, I just like him
but well, he was so cute
So, try to fix my feeling..(to much?haha)
well, whatever!!
now, I am preparing my IELTS test, hopefully will get a great score so I can continue my study n move on..
huhuhu (crying)
silly?/ yeah.. I know...lebay (term in my language)
and about my crush, I don't want to forget him at all,
even if we can't be lover, i just want to be his friend, yea..keep in touch
because I had a very nice time with him, so I don't want to ruin it just because of this feeling
I will move on n find someone else, so does him ( of course)
and if someday (who knows) we can meet again, we can talk and lough about our sweet time.
I want to tell a little bit about my "lebay feeling" hahaa
I feel like I found soul mate but impossible
I feel so comfort and have the same mind with him, lots of jokes and never feel bored talking with him, although we just know each other for not even two weeks.
yeah..short term..
well, I don't know if he feel the same way or not, but..may be not.
I think it just me who crazy ( hahaha)
but that's ke, I'll move on..it just about the time
I am not that melancholic
still have a lot of things in front of me..
loooong journey..
I don't know if i bother him or not, hopefully not,
because i don't mean to do it..
i just want to keep in touch,
I think he start to stay away from me because of it,
that's normal, hopefully he doesn't hate me and still want to makes friend with me
crush,crush..can happen all the time
happy time, great memories
every chapter has its own interesting things
include this chapter, although we called it paragraph ( because too short 'n separated from other)
well, cute paragraph.
PS: I can't stop follow the quizzes on face book, addicted to it (lhaa?? no correlation with my story..)
PPS: I'm still not over you (yet) my crush
PPPS: must study for IELTS...